Seeking the sacraments – From Protestantism to Catholicism

Seeking the sacraments – From Protestantism to Catholicism

Born and raised as an evangelical Christian in the South of England, I grew up immersed in Protestant Christianity. My father was one of the three leaders of the congregation I attended. Every Sunday, I was brought to church and participated in youth groups throughout my childhood. Christianity was a significant part of my upbringing.

I was a kid who asked a lot of questions. I questioned how we knew the Bible was true and how it should be interpreted. As I grew, I attended different congregations, each with slightly different teachings, which made me think deeply about my faith. The real change came when I was 16. A friend of mine, who was a junior youth leader, began exploring Catholicism. We started discussing topics like the Eucharist, the papacy, and Our Lady- concepts I had never considered before. I respected him greatly, so I was immediately intrigued.


This curiosity set me on a year-long journey of research and prayer. My friend’s practical example made a significant difference to me. When I started contemplating doctrines like the Eucharist, I remember deeply hoping they were true. My journey was influenced by three levels: the reason of the Faith, the witness of my friend, and the beauty of the Faith. The true, the good, and the beautiful.

A pivotal moment was when this same friend told me he was becoming Catholic. This revelation made me consider Scripture’s vastness and the differing interpretations among Protestants. It was clear that on salvation issues, Protestants disagreed significantly. This struck me deeply. I struggled with the idea of personal interpretation of Scripture, as it required each person to be a theologian, which seemed impractical. This struggle stayed with me and kept me pondering the teachings of Catholicism.

When I began studying the doctrines like the Eucharist seriously, I realised the significance of Christ’s presence in the Church. The belief in transubstantiation, that Christ is sacramentally present in the Eucharist, was a game changer. It transformed my spirituality from just believing that God hears prayers to believing that He is physically present with us.

The sacrament of confession also played a crucial role in my conversion. The idea that Christ is present in the priest and that I could hear the words ‘I absolve you’ was profound. It made Christ very real to me. The maternal affection I found in Mary added to my spiritual life, and praying the rosary became an integral part of my routine.

Discovering the Church Fathers was another key aspect of my journey. In conversations with my friend, he mentioned early Christian writings that did not align with Protestant views on the Eucharist and baptism. Reading the works of Ignatius of Antioch and Augustine opened my eyes. It became apparent that if Protestantism were true, something must have gone wrong very early in Church history, which seemed implausible.

It gave me a sense of peace and relief that I hadn’t experienced before”

Catholic theology, particularly the Eucharist, confession, and the role of Mary, drew me closer to the Faith. The sacrament of confession was especially transformative. Being able to confess and hear the words of absolution was incredibly liberating. It gave me a sense of peace and relief that I hadn’t experienced before.


My parents were initially concerned about my decision to convert, but they saw that it was genuine. My grandparents, who were more traditional Protestants, needed an explanation, so I wrote an 18-page letter to my grandfather. He didn’t take it well, but at least they knew my decision was sincere. This was one of the most challenging aspects of my conversion, but I knew it was the right path for me.

One of the major differences I noticed between Protestantism and Catholicism is the depth of spirituality. As a Protestant, I was always questioning everything, which made it difficult to go deeper in faith. Catholicism provided a richer spiritual experience, allowing me to rely on the traditions of the Church and the saints. This depth of spirituality made me feel closer to God.

Apostolic succession was another comforting aspect of Catholicism. It made the Church visible and real, unlike the scattered and divided nature of Protestantism. Knowing that the Church had a structure allowed me to focus on becoming holier rather than constantly determining what was true.

Ecumenism is important, but it requires well-formed individuals who understand their faith deeply. Engaging in ecumenism without a solid foundation can lead to confusion. Many things done in the name of ecumenism don’t impress me, but I believe in respectful dialogue between different Christian traditions.

For those considering Catholicism, my advice is to follow your conscience and not be afraid. God understands your situation and doesn’t expect you to make a quick decision. If you think the Catholic Church might be true, take your time to research and pray. Reading the Church Fathers, particularly Ignatius of Antioch, can provide valuable insights into early Christian beliefs.

Becoming Catholic has been the best decision for me, enriching my faith and bringing me closer to God”

Converting to Catholicism is a process that takes time. It’s important to approach it with grace and gentleness, respecting those who don’t share your beliefs. Developing a strong prayer life, seeking the sacraments, and living with integrity are crucial aspects of this journey. Becoming Catholic has been the best decision for me, enriching my faith and bringing me closer to God.