Month: January 2012

The junior tenors with superior voices

Fr Michael Collins   Last week, I was delighted to meet the three Italian teenagers who are the musical sensation, Il Volo. They were in Dublin to appear on the Late Late Show and promote their new album, Il Volo. The three singers were in Dublin for just two and a half days, staying in…

Recent books in brief

Navigating the Gospels: Mark By Philip Fogarty SJ (Columba Press, €12.55 / £10.46) This volume concludes Fr Fogarty’s set of guides to the Gospels. Intended for the general reader rather than the student, they aim through the use of the New Revised Standard Versions texts and the work of present day scholars and theologians, to open…

The last of the Irish wolves

Wolves in Ireland: A natural and cultural history By Kieran Hickey (Open Air / Four Courts Press, €29.95 / £25.97) Christopher Moriarty   Wolves are beautiful creatures, with many of the most attractive characteristics of the domestic dogs of all shapes and sizes which are descended from them. That is the current view of the majority…

A familiar question to many

Can I Stay in the Church? By Brian Lennon SJ (Columba Press, €12.99 / £10.83) This is a question which many people, aside from media personalities, must be asking themselves. The last couple of decades have certainly shaken many people’s faith and adherence. But being a Catholic is not entirely a matter of being in some…

Spreading the pilgrim word

  The Dominican Way Edited by Lucette Verboven, with an introduction by Timothy Radcliffe (Continum, €14.55 / £10.99) From the prominence of his name on the cover, it might be thought by some potential readers that Fr Radcliffe had a larger hand in this book than he had. It is in fact the work Lucette Verboven,…

Delight as relic of true cross recovered

  The Relics of the Cross, stolen from Holy Cross Abbey in Co. Tipperary last October, were this week returned to the abbey undamaged following a successful Garda recovery operation. Holy Cross PP Fr Tom Breen said that parishioners and pilgrims are ‘overjoyed’ by the news. ‘It is wonderful that the relics have been recovered…

Recent books in brief

Kimmage Manor: 100 Years of Service By Patrick J. Ryan CSSP (Columba Press, €16.99 / £14.00) Fr Ryan has divided his life’s work between Africa and teaching in Kimmage Manor. He has also served, the times being what they are, as a parish priest. In this history he recounts the foundation of the mission house of…

Irish nun named in top ten list

  An Irish nun has been named as one of the top ten people of the year by Inside the Vatican, a monthly Catholic news magazine. Sr Patricia Murray IBVM was honoured for her work through the Solidarity With South Sudan (SSS) project. Established by religious from 170 Catholic congregations and led by Sr Murray,…