Month: May 2015

Dear Editor, When faced with a choice, I tend to ask “What would Jesus do today?” Sometimes, he was strict about the law in the Old Testament; at other times he offered alternatives to the laws. He instructs the healed leper to go to the priest as per the law as gracefully as he heals…

Dear Editor, Success in the referendum for the proposal to introduce same-sex marriage in to the Irish Constitution would profoundly change the definition of marriage, a definition of an institution treasured by religious and non-religious people alike. It is important that the anomalies and ramifications integral to such a change be very carefully considered. Among…

Evolution, Charles Darwin famously stated, works through the survival of the fittest. Christianity, on the other hand, is committed to the survival of the weakest. But how do we square our Christian ideal of making a preferential option for the weak with evolution? Nature is evolutionary and, inside of that, we can perceive a wisdom…

Summer time is coming and the grass is flecked with daisies just waiting to be picked and made into a daisy chain. Sadly, daisy chains never last long. By the end of the day, the beautiful necklace you carefully crafted has wilted and nearly fallen apart. Crochet your own everlasting daisy chain to wear throughout…

It is very close to ‘that time of year’ again in our house as our three children celebrate their birthdays within a few days of each other. Much like those poor individuals who miss out on a proper birthday celebration because it falls on December 25, having a birthday in such close proximity to not…