Month: January 2016

South African Church’s nuclear warning

South Africa’s Catholic justice and peace commission has called for a halt to nuclear procurement plans and a referendum on the issue, claiming that the risks of adding nuclear energy to the financially beleaguered country’s  power grid outweigh its economic benefits. According to a statement from the commission’s chairman, Kimberley’s Bishop Abel Gabuza, the country…

Vatican Roundup

‘An ocean of mercy transcends human misery’ – Pope God’s mercy transcends the misery that so often marks human experience, Pope Francis has said.  “A torrent of misery, swollen by sin, seems to contradict the fullness of time brought by Christ”, he said in a homily at St Peter’s Basilica on January 1, asking, “how can the fullness of time have come when…

Mexican mayor mudered after one day in office

The coffin of Gisela Mota, mayor of Temixco, Mexico, is carried from her home. Ms Mota was killed on January 2, one day after taking her oath of office. Cuernavaca’s Bishop Ramon Castro Castro said the murder had clearly been intended to send the message “if you don’t cooperate with organised crime, look at what’s…

Feast of dramas for the New Year

Despite ‘diversity and fragmentation’, the quality of the past week’s dramatic offerings could draw a wide audience, writes Brendan O’Regan With the diversity and fragmentation of TV viewing it’s rare that one programme generates a high degree of anticipation any more, and rare that a large percentage of the viewing population would tune in to…

Hook has fire of faith in his belly

Dear Editor, In The Irish Catholic (31/12/2015) George Hook was like a firework going off for New Year’s Eve. Few people expected his happy call back to faith. Welcome to the fold, George. George is the type who would take up with gusto the challenge of moderns who claim, as he suggests, that “it is…

The fruits of Holy Communion

The Church teaches that the Eucharist strengthens our charity, which tends to be weakened in daily life, writes Cathal Barry The Church teaches that Holy Communion “augments” the recipient’s union with Christ. “The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist in Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus,” the Catechism of the Catholic Church…