Month: January 2016

Catholic schools should focus on mercy over results

Catholic schools should not be governed by league tables or results, but by mercy and inclusion, according to the head of the Catholic primary schools body. Fr Tom Deenihan, General Secretary of the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA), said the danger of focusing on league tables is that “we would value the educationally gifted…

Sr Angela Hurley FMM died peacefully in St Joseph’s Convent, Rush, Co. Dublin at the age of 90. Originally from Cork, she pronounced her first vows at Loughglynn, Co. Roscommon and in 1949 sailed to her new mission in South India. Her leadership skills came to fruition initially as superior of the University College, Stella…

No place to call home

With over 5,000 people homeless in Ireland, Greg Daly talks to leading campaigners about the national crisis “It’s very saddening, and a stark reality, that homeless accommodation is still with us 100 years after the establishment of our State,” President Michael D. Higgins said last September when marking the centenary of the Back Lane Hostel…

Faith in the Family

The car is going in for a service on Thursday. It is just as well. It has been sounding a bit rough lately and could do with a tune up and an oil change. I’m much the same myself actually. I need a bit of a tune up too. Perhaps that is why I am…

Lawns are a no-go area this time of the year

While the cold winter days keep much of the garden in a state of suspended animation, there are still plenty of seasonal delights to get out and enjoy. Snowdrops pushing up through frozen soil signal that spring is on its way. The snowdrop manages this seemingly impossible feat by keeping the air temperature inside its…

Giving young people a voice in the Church

Members of Tullamore Junior Parish Pastoral Council explain their work In 2006 the Junior Parish Pastoral Council (JPPC) was founded in Tullamore parish, Co. Offaly as a way of giving young people a voice in the Church. The JPPC is made up exclusively of secondary school students. Pupils first hear about it in sixth class…

More one-sided abortion media coverage

Brendan O’Reagan reports on the ‘totally unchallenging’ and ‘not very encouraging’ coverage on abortion It was a ‘funny enough’ kind of week, with Newstalk back continuing to drive the repeal the Eighth (Life Equality) Amendment as an election issue. I wouldn’t mind so much if the coverage was fair and balanced. They’ve gone so far…

St Augustine – a living presence

Augustine: Conversions and Confessions by Robin Lane Fox (Allen Lane, £30.00) In the history of Western civilisation St Augustine has a special place. Just how special many may not realise. In any academic library the works of the Greek and Latin Fathers in their original (say in the standard edition of Migne) occupy a great…

An inspiring philosopher for our times

Jim Noonan OCD The Eighth Day, selected writings of Christian Bobin translated by Pauline Matarasso (Darton, Longman & Todd, £12.99) An inspirational French author, Christian Bobin is a prolific writer, producing over 50 books, in more than 30 years, and has been a bestseller (his books have sold over 200,000 copies per edition) in France for many…