Month: April 2016

Ballymena parish getting round the table

The theme of ‘Mercy: Compassion and Healing’ will be explored at the fourth annual All Saints Round Table Gathering hosted by Ballymena Parish in Co. Antrim next month. Margaret McNulty of Embrace, an interdenominational group of Christians working together, will speak about her work promoting a positive response to people from ethnic minorities living in…

Irish churches need to embrace new technology

Dear Editor, The failure of the Catholic Church to note the very pragmatic steps taken by other religions to help congregations is odd. Why, when providing resources that can help the celebration of Mass, does our Church fail so often and so miserably – certainly in Ireland – to venture out of old habits and…

Vatican Roundup

Contract hitch halts audit of Vatican’s finances The first ever audit of Vatican finances by a major global firm has been cut short after – it is understood – the Holy See’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, raised concerns. The audit by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) was “suspended immediately” on April 12, it has been revealed, when Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu…

Adultery, census forms and papal tweets

Coverage of this week’s census brought out “the conspiracy theorist in me”, writes Brendan O’Regan Last week I reviewed two British crime shows that showed adultery as a hugely destructive thing, and there was the same message yet again on another drama, Undercover, last Sunday night on BBC One. This was a peculiar variation on…

The Greek view of the financial crisis

And The Weak Suffer What They Must? Europe, Austerity, and the Threat to Global Stability by Yanis Varoufakis (Bodley Head, £16.99hb) Peter Hegarty In a memorable passage in this apologia, former Greek Minster of Finance Yanis Varoufakis describes walking down a long cold corridor in the finance ministry in Berlin. At the other end German finance…