Month: June 2016

Nine seminarians ordained deacons in Maynooth

Staff reporter Bishop William Crean of Cloyne ordained nine seminarians as deacons in the college chapel of the national seminary in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, at the weekend. Addressing the ordinands, Bishop Crean said “you will have the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel and break open the word of life for those in your care”.   “This…

Win tickets to ‘God Bless the Child’

To mark the 50th anniversary of Frank O’Connor’s death, Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre will play host to ‘God Bless the Child: First confessions are the hardest!’ based on stories by Frank O’Connor and adapted for the stage and directed by Patrick Talbot The show will run for one week only, from June 6-11 and tickets from…

News in Brief

Crowds cause Clonard novena times change Clonard Monastery in Belfast has changed the session times of its annual Solemn Novena to facilitate the large crowds which are expected to attend. Each year up to 20,000 people attend the 10 daily sessions during the nine-day ‘festival of faith’ which runs between June 15 and 23 this year.  There had been concerns…

The winner of the caption competition (IC, May 5) featuring Bishop Paul Tighe and ‘The Edge’ from rock band U2 is Pauline Dunne from Enfield, Co. Meath. Pauline wins a copy of the beautiful book The Vatican: Secrets and Treasures of the Holy City by Fr Michael Collins.

Faith in the Family

I had been thinking about blessings – Marty Whelan in the morning on Lyric FM, our damson tree setting fruit, two glorious bullfinches in the garden.  Then the blessings changed, becoming more profound but also more painful. My Dad was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer before Christmas. He has lived these months well, becoming less…