Manchester by the Sea (15A) If there’s a more natural actor than Casey Affleck working in films today I’d like to hear about him. I wait for his films to come out like I once waited for those of Robert de Niro. He’s our new James Dean, our new Montgomery Clift. He understands the conflicts…
Month: January 2017
Acedia and Sabbath
Early Christian monks believed in something they called acedia. More colloquially, they called it, the noonday devil, a name that essentially describes the concept. Acedia, for them, was different from ordinary depression in that it didn’t draw you into the dark, chaotic areas of your mind and heart, to have you diseased before your own…
US abortion rates at 40-year low
Abortions in the United States have fallen to their lowest number since legalisation with the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy organisation committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, 926,200 terminations were recorded in 2014, a decline of 32,500 over the previous year and the…
Vatican Roundup
Vatican demands Order of Malta cooperate with commission The Vatican has demanded that a defiant Order of Malta cooperate with its inquiry which seeks to investigate the circumstances of the removal of one of the order’s most senior members. Following the sudden departure of Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager on December 8 amid allegations…
The way of the cross
A participant paints a crucifix as part of a drug addiction rehabilitation programme at a Catholic church in Manila, Philippines. The Archdiocese of Manila built the rehabilitation centre for drug dependents amid Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs, in which more than 6,000 people have been killed. Photo: CNS
Iraqi Christians daring to hope as Mosul falls
“Confidence and hope” were the feelings reported last week among displaced Iraqi Christians as news emerged that forces combating so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in Mosul have driven the terror group from all parts of the east-side of the city and are set to launch a final push for the remainder. The reports of elation were…
Mexico at the crossroads
The fate of was all too inevitable. Immediately after the priest went missing from his home in the state of Coahuila on January 3, authorities of his Diocese of Saltillo issued appeals for the security forces to do all in finding him and for his captors to release him unharmed. But this is Mexico. Thus,…
Danger of being cut off by Brexit
Dear Editor, Nuala O’Loan and Bishop Donal McKeown’s articles in The Irish Catholic of January 19 make for sobering reading, and should be read and reflected upon by any British – or indeed Irish – supporters of withdrawal from the EU. Ahead of last June’s Brexit referendum, Irish people north and south of the border…
Holy Land dig uncovers Old Testament battle site
A team of archaeologists in the Holy Land has uncovered a large perimeter wall dating to the 10th Century BC, which some experts believe is linked to a biblical battle referred to the in the Second Book of Samuel. The team, working in Israel’s southern Arava desert – within the ancient borders of the Kingdom…
Bishops’ absence adds to low-key unity celebrations in Ireland
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began yesterday (Wednesday) with an official inauguration service at the Church of Ireland parish in Taney in south Dublin. This year the event occurs while the Catholic bishops are in Rome at their ad limina meeting with the Pope, so no Catholic bishops will be present at ecumenical…