Fr Vincent Sherlock Two days before the celebration of Confirmation in our parish we gathered for a short practice. I looked at the group of 38 boys and girls preparing for Confirmation (as an aside, the 38, typical, I would say, of many parishes like my own, represent the total number of pupils in senior…
Month: May 2017
Aspects of Libel
The world of books The present controversy over state prosecutions for blasphemy has raised once again unresolved issues concerning our libel laws, issues which really need to be settled once and for all. On the matter of blasphemy, the law has nothing to do with the Christian Churches, but is rather an attempt to mollify…
An honest elegy for a lost way of life
John Wyse Jackson Molly Keane: A Life by Sally Phipps (Virago, £20) The writer Molly Keane was born in 1904 in Co. Kildare, a daughter of Moira O’Neill, the poet of the Glens of Antrim. She grew up in a horsey, Protestant family near Ferns, Co. Wexford, in an 18th-Century house that was burned in…
The chosen few of West Limerick answering God’s call
Good Seed, Fertile Soil: Religious Vocations in Limerick: Biographical Dictionary: I West Limerick by J.M. Feheney (Iverus Publications, €25; copies from the author at, or The Bookstore, Newcastle West) This biographical dictionary features short profiles of almost 1,000 deceased members of the clergy and religious congregations from the 24 parishes in West Limerick. The…
John Piper as a religious artist
The Art of John Piper, by David Fraser Jenkins and Hugh Fowler-Wright foreword by Luke Piper (Unicorn and The Portland Gallery, £45.00) John Piper is, I suspect, a name unfamiliar to many readers, but he is certainly among the finest artists of the 20th Century in these islands, and moreover one of the few artists…
A glimpse at both the light and dark sides of life
Last Friday night one of my favourite TV comedy series sadly came to an end. Parks and Recreation (RTÉ 2) had finally bowed out after seven seasons. I always found it funny, skilfully combining both wacky and subtle elements. The format was reminiscent of the American version of The Office and in fact the two…
No plain sailing for Johnny Depp in choppy waters
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (12A) Johnny Depp has just come through a messy divorce. In addition he’s suing his management team for fraud so he could probably do with the ridiculous amounts of money they tend to offer him for twaddle like this. He’s also embroiled in a so-called ‘scandal’ about allegedly having…
Invaluable lessons in joy
Sean Finlay Sean Finlay recounts a once in a lifetime trip to experience Zambian culture The Zambian Immersion Project at St Mary’s CBS, Portlaoise, offers 16 students a coveted once in a lifetime opportunity to experience Zambian culture first-hand through deeply enriching work in schools, orphanages and health clinics over an unforgettable two weeks. Our…
Parishes are uniquely placed to take eco action
Eco Eye Jonny Hanson In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis paints a compelling picture of the people of God together rediscovering their mandate to care for God’s world. But how are we to put this noble calling into practice? Here are three suggestions at three different levels: the individual; the parish; and the diocese or denomination.…
Faith in the Family
Mark was preparing for his First Reconciliation and First Communion. These are important days for any child and a lot of work goes in to being ready to receive these sacraments. For Mark, there was even more work because Mark is autistic. His parents and his teacher had put a lot of thought into how…