Month: August 2017

Dear Editor, Amongst the several useful points made by Martin Mansergh in his article on how Irish people should decide on the shape of their future society without the influence of foreign funding (IC 20/07/2017), is his comment that a “decisive battle between two very different visions of Irish society is not far off”. He…

Dear Editor, At the end of the article ‘Building on Doctrine that speaks to real Human Situations’ (IC 20/07/2017) Cardinal Schoenborn states: “…It’s very often  a matter of justice…what is due to the other…the Bible teaches us to be very attentive to justice.” One often hears the statement: “The Church was too focused on sexual…

Aid for the alone

Older people of Dublin North City and County will no longer be lonely with the expansion of ALONE’s support services to their area. The charity, which supports older people in their choice to age at home, has partnered with HSE to further this mission. “Repeated studies have demonstrated that ageing at home is the first…

Peacebuilding in East Africa

Mary Ellen Doyle Originally from the ‘sunny’ south east of Ireland, I have been training and working since 2015 in the field of mediation, organisational conflict management and conflict transformation. I employ a variety of methodologies and experiences to work with individuals to help them identify the root causes of their conflicts, thus, helping them…

A little piece of the sacred

A place of people, prayer and peace, the French monastic site at Taizé offers a spiritual retreat from an often hectic and growing secular world. Established in 1940 by Brother Roger, who founded it as a safe haven during WWII, Taizé has become one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in Europe, with over 100,000…

Redeeming the memory of a loved one

One year ago, virtually everyone who knew him was stunned by the suicide death of the most prominent American Hispanic theologian that we have produced up to now, Virgilio Elizondo. Moreover, Virgil wasn’t just a very gifted, pioneering theologian, he was also a beloved priest and a warm trusted friend to countless people. Everyone dies,…

Subaquatic terror for shark cage siblings

When someone in a film says, “it’s going to be the best time ever!” you know they’re in for a nightmare – even (especially?) if they’re in an idyllic Mexican holiday resort where all the beautiful people cavort. The ‘wine doubling as blood’ prologue in a swimming pool sets us up for a Jaws-like scare-athon.…

Bishop warns Brexit hard border could be devastating

EXCLUSIVE A ‘hard border’ across Ireland is “unthinkable” and could be devastating for the North, Bishop of Down and Connor Noel Treanor has warned. “A hard border is really inconceivable and no longer viable and would be detrimental in so many different levels and arenas of life,” Dr Treanor told The Irish Catholic, highlighting the needs…

Giants of the airwaves step away from the mics

It wasn’t as momentous as some made out but the departure of the host from Tonight With Vincent Browne (TV3) after ten years is certainly worth marking. His period on the show has been marked by outrage at social injustice, incisive political analysis, savaging of politicians, affirming of journalists (except from the Irish Independent), relatively…