Month: August 2017

The real threats to our way of life

Our economies may be in recovery, but they are far from healthy, warns Bill Emmott, who writes with the authority and assurance of a former editor-in-chief of The Economist. He believes that the most insidious of the ‘enemies that lie within’ is the swollen, still largely unregulated financial services sector, that was responsible for the…

A well-judged choice of Irish classics

For many years, Kenny’s Bookshop has been one of the features of Galway City.  Des Kenny describes here the beginnings of that mecca for bibliophiles – now only run on-line. Maureen Canning and Des Kenny met for the first time when she was attending University College, Galway.  Within a few years they married and opened…

Sixty days that shook the West

The release of Dunkirk has been the focus for mixed reviews and divided opinions. Christopher Nolan’s movie with its clean-shaven, well-washed, un-muddied British  soldiers retreating with their weapons still in hand, though loved by critics, has been derided by veterans of WWII as a travesty. To see Dunkirk merely as an “heroic retreat” is to…