Archives | State Papers Secrets of the powers that be Early in 1966 Seán Lemass signed “a message from the government” to the school managers and teachers of Ireland and to the children under their care. He wrote that it was fitting that the Irish people celebrate the Jubillee, and the government take pride and…
Month: January 2018
News in Brief
Much-loved Clogher priest dies A priest described as a man who shared his Faith with passion, loved travel and had a kind and gentle manner, died following an illness he “bore with great courage and serenity”, the Diocese of Clogher said. Fr Tom Finnegan, the parish priest of Magheracloone in Monaghan, passed away in St Francis’ Hospice in…
Gardeners must do their bit to preserve the ecosystem
Green Fingers A recently published study from Germany is cause for great concern. It was a study of butterfly and diurnal moth species and was conducted in nature reserves over a 40-year period. It showed that of the 117 species recorded in 1840, just 71 could be found today. That is a 40% decrease.…
Out & About
Meath: Bishop Michael Smith, Anne Crinion the curator of the exhibition, Provincial Leader of the Sisters of Mercy Sr Ann Brady and Fr Sean Henry PP of Trim at the celebration to mark 150 years since the order came to Trim. Photo: Anne Crinion
Decent tidings on the flat screen
Over the Christmas period you expect lots of feel-good movies and carol services, which is all very good, but every year I look out for something new, something different, a programme that engages in a creative and contemporary way with the Christmas story of the Gospels. Happily I found a few such programmes this year.…
Was St Patrick our first archaeologist?
The World of Books The notion that the Apostle of Ireland was also the country’s first archaeologist is not, I should hasten to admit, an aberration of my own. It was the idea of my late friend Glyn Daniel [pictured], Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge. When the very suggestive evidence is laid out the…