Month: June 2018

Blessed are the carers

Matthew Carlson meets the 
unsung heroes 
that are carers   Sometimes the people who give the most of themselves are the ones who receive the least recognition for what they do. Carers are one of these groups of people. Carers are unpaid persons, usually a family member, who help provide care to people with disabilities…

Will we listen to awakened majority?

Dear Editor, 72% of online respondents to the recent The Irish Catholic poll said ‘Yes’ when asked if the church should step back, divest schools and prioritise Faith formation. But will we listen to this awakened majority? All our internalising of hostile media-shaming has led to an unhealthy loss of connection by Catholics with our…

In brief


 New research to be carried out over a three-year period hopes to provide a broad picture of current practice in adult religious education and faith community development in Ireland today. The research will be conducted in partnership with DCU’s Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education and the Presentation Sisters. The announcement of a three-year…

Let’s go fly a kite upto the highest height

Children’s Corner Matthew Carlson   As summer begins, children and families will be spending more time outside, and the number of activities can sometimes seem quite limited. One thing you can do is build your own kite, a tool used by some of the smartest inventors in history. The kite is said to have been…

Traditionalism worth thinking with

Before the establishment of the Varangian Guard, when the Byzantine Emperors took to taking Vikings into their service to act as bodyguards, there were the Excubitors. In the mid-5th Century, before the last Western Roman Emperor was deposed, the Eastern or ‘Byzantine’ Emperors established an imperial guard known as ‘Sentinels’ or ‘Excubitors’. With the old…

Faith in the Family

For the past number of years I have been producing a resource called Seeds of Faith, the aim of which is to help families explore and understand Faith, prayer, spirituality and liturgy a little bit more deeply. Seeds of Faith follows the Church’s three-year cycle so although I regularly update the material there is a…

The importance of being Oscar for Everett

 (15A)   Rupert Everett has been fascinated by Oscar Wilde for most of his life. He’s acted in many of his plays on Broadway and played his alter ego in films like The Importance of Being Ernest and An Ideal Husband. He also played Wilde himself in David Hare’s The Judas Kiss on the West…

Searching amid the calm

Youth Space Aisling Connolly recalls her experience at Taizé this year   “A simple prayer is like a soft sighing, like a child’s prayer, it keeps us alert” – this is a quote by Bro. Roger, the founder of the monastic Taizé community located in the beautiful southern French countryside, expressing his belief in the centrality…