A vast majority of readers of The Irish Catholic believe that baptism should not be refused to the children of same-sex couples and that the Church should not reconsider this position. A poll carried out by this paper revealed that out of 670 votes, 81% of respondents believed that children should be baptised regardless of…
Month: June 2018
A family journey to Croke Park in the Diocese of Kerry
Aileen Murphy RLR Singers travelled from all corners of the diocese for the first gathering of the diocesan choir on June 7 to prepare for the Papal Mass being held at the end of the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) festival this August. They travelled from the Beara Peninsula, Corca Dhuibhne, from North Kerry and Kenmare…
Family News and Events
Have a cackle at the Cockle! For a great day out this summer that will be suitable for the whole family, the weekend events at the Cockle Row Cottages this June and July in Bangor are a must-go! Every Saturday and Sunday from 2-4pm there will be entertainment for adults and children alike, from face…
Papal trip will bring momentum that must be embraced by all
The visit of Pope Francis this August will be a tremendous moment of grace for the Church in Ireland. It’s the first papal visit since the historic trip of St John Paul II in 1979 and only the second time that a Bishop of Rome has set foot on Irish soil. Speaking at the ancient…
A book on dog quotes!
The Little Book of Dog Quotes edited by Aubrey Malone (Barzipan Publishing, £8.95) The world is divided, as we all know, into cat people and dog people. Being myself a dog person, I found this little book amusing. The world, according to P.G. Wodehouse, is divided into those who can stop a dog fight and those who…
Post May 25: do we still have a place here?
The Notebook I was watching the Late Late Show in the company of two of my colleagues when the exit poll results were announced. To be honest we were shell-shocked. I woke up on Saturday morning totally depressed and wondering do I really have a place in this country, this Church, this community any…
Freedom of conscience being ‘trampled’ – pro-life group
A prominent pro-life group has said that forcing GPs to participate in abortions that are unrelated to healthcare is an “extreme and unjust attack” of freedom of conscience and should be resisted at all costs. Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Dr Ruth Cullen said: “It is unconscionable for Minister Harris and the Government to compel doctors…
What is the biggest threat young people face? Mediocrity, Pope says
Pope Francis said today that the greatest danger modern youth face is not the array of problems that surround them, but rather, the temptation to mediocrity – preferring to stay immobile rather than making a leap toward the next step. Pointing to the Gospel reading from Mark in which a rich young man kneels in…
Archbishop Eamon Martin speaks about the papal visit and WMOF preparations
Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin, today speaking about his disappointment of no papal visit to the North and his excitement for the World Meeting of Families this August.
Archbishop says Pope’s trip a ‘gift’ to Ireland
Papal schedule announced Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has said that the visit of Pope Francis to Ireland in August “must not be just a once-off event” and insisted that the Church has to see it as an opportunity for renewal. Speaking as the Vatican announced details of the Pope’s visit, Dr Martin said…