Month: June 2018

World Cup full of Blessings

 Carlson   Mexico’s World Cup team experienced a miracle of sorts on Sunday with a stunning victory over Germany, some say because of one faithful grandmother. A girl named Paola of El Paso, Texas posted a video via Twitter of her grandmother blessing the Mexican team moments before the game started on Sunday. The video…

Police raid Chile Church offices in sex abuse investigation

Authorities have raided Church offices in Chile on in an effort to obtain documents relating to the recent sex abuse scandal which has sparked the resignation of more than 30 bishops in the country. During the surprise raid, police seized documents and files relating to the ongoing clergy abuse investigation from the Santiago Ecclesiastical Court…

Study Guide: The Joy of Love

Pope Francis will soon be in Dublin for the World Meeting of Families, and attention is focusing on his teachings and what his message will be to the Church in Ireland. We continue to publish study guides to the Pope’s landmark documents – this week The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia) by Prof. Eamonn Conway…

Many elderly religious face uncertain future

It’s an inevitable fact that much of the religious patrimony of Ireland built up over centuries will disappear in coming years as religious orders sell off property to fund retirement care for elderly members. There is upset amongst some returned Spiritan missionaries in Dublin this week after they were told that their nursing home will…

A stalwart people ancient in faith

The Faith Journey of the Déise People by Michael G. Olden (Diocese of Waterford & Lismore, €40.00 + €11.00 p&p; available from The Book Centre, 25 John Roberts Square, 
Waterford, tel: 051-873823, In the introduction to his new book Msgr Olden states that his aim is to provide a history of the diocese of Waterford…

Another way of looking at the world

Am I a Feminist? Are You? by Mary Kenny (New Island Books, €13.95) Those who can recall earlier manifestations of Mary Kenny might be daunted by a title so redolent of the #metoo generation and the fierce quarrels of the present day gender wars. But the present-day Mary is a person of great experience as well…

Indonesians activists call to support eco-friendly parties in elections

The environment has taken centre stage in Indonesia’s regional elections in South Kalimantan after it emerged that the vast majority of mining and palm oil businesses in the province flout environmental laws. According to the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry as many as 600 out of 700 businesses break the rules. They include contributing to air pollution, mismanagement…