Month: June 2018

Bringing richness to the campus

Personal Profile Colm Fitzpatrick speaks with MIC’s new president   From once a young, budding psychology student to now the new president of Ireland’s largest Catholic university, one man is planning to keep care, social justice, and academic excellence on the map. This year Professor Eugene Wall was appointed as president to Limerick’s Mary Immaculate…

Family News and Events

A welcome 
haunting Stories of ghosts and the supernatural will be among those told at the Dublin Ghost Story Festival from June 29 to July 1. The event is to be put on by publishing house Swan River Press and will feature several writers that explore Dublin’s connection to literary ghost stories. The event will also…

‘All shoulders to the wheel’ in Kilmore

At Sunday Masses throughout the 35 parishes of the north-western diocese of Kilmore, couples celebrating significant wedding anniversaries had an opportunity to renew their marriage vows and special blessings were offered to families. The diocese of Kilmore celebrated all that is best in family life in preparation for the forthcoming World Meeting of Families in…

Vatican Roundup

Poor How is it that God in heaven can hear the cries of the poor, but so many people watching or standing nearby either cannot or just do not care, Pope Francis asked on the World Day of the Poor. The recently established commemoration is meant to give Christians a chance to follow Christ’s example…

Are magazines a dead issue?

World of Books   Some days I stand in front of the magazine racks in Easons and wonder if the great era of the general magazine is now over. Are they, so to speak, now dead in the water, killed off by television and the internet? Certainly they are not what they once were. The…

Time for the work of Debussy to take the spotlight

Pat O’Kelly   Although this year commemorates the centenary of the death in Paris on March 25, 1918 of Claude-Achille Debussy, celebratory events here have, so far, been relatively low-key. The RTÉ NSO did bring us the composer’s Poème dansé – Jeux in February as part of its season and the recent Dublin International Piano…

Dad’s Diary

For a child, the most magical part of their home is not the house itself, but the garden. Gardens twitter and hum with life. They are full of mysterious bugs, birds, frogs and sundry slimy things. Bushes and undergrowth become secret dens, where adults may not tread. The lawn is for football and games of…