Month: July 2018

Chesterton a good man…but no saint

The World of Books by the Books Editor   Back in 2013, the Bishop of Northampton Dr Peter Doyle appointed Canon John Udris to inquire into the suitability of Gilbert Keith Chesterton for canonisation. Canon Udris’s report will be given to the bishop later this month. He has been quoted in the press as saying…

Parading disregard for Church teachings

Dear Editor, The national airwaves and dailies have been full of late with references to how, fresh from her victory in the abortion referendum, Minister Josepha Madigan led a Communion service for those gathered for Mass. One aspect of this we must surely grapple with honestly is whether people who flout Church teaching should be…

Dad’s Diary

The last days are the slowest. Nine months of pregnancy passes by with respectable speed, until the last few weeks, when the flow of time slows to a trickle. As soon as the 37-week mark is passed, and the baby is officially full term, labour could begin at any moment – and it would be…

Vatican Roundup

homily For Jesus, suffering and glory go hand in hand, Pope Francis said, urging Christians not to fall into the temptation of running from the Cross, but to imitate Christ in bending down to embrace the weak and vulnerable. In his homily for the June 29 Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul, the official patrons…

Forget doctrine, just ‘go as you please’

While the à la carte variety of Catholicism is thoroughly accepted and even lauded in mainstream media there are inherent inconsistencies. If, say, a vile racist people trafficker was claiming to be a Catholic in good standing, would the usual suspects be as tolerant as they are when the Church’s teachings on sexuality are dismissed?…