Month: October 2018

Making the national question an international issue

Gabriel Doherty The pages of The Irish Catholic for Saturday, October 26, 1918, contained an eclectic assortment of items. No one topic dominated, in comparison to the recent extensive coverage of the sinking of the Leinster, but two themes were common to nearly all stories: the growing belief that the end of the war was…

Museum finds five Dead Sea Scroll fragments are forgeries

The Museum of the Bible has announced that five of its most prized artefacts – valuable fragments in its collection of Dead Sea Scrolls – are forgeries that will no longer be displayed at the museum in Washington DC. Researchers in Germany tested five of the museum’s 16 fragments, bought by the billionaire businessman and museum…

Pope shares his thinking on key synod themes

Cindy Wooden Having some doubts is definitely better than having no doubts at all, Pope Francis told a group of seminarians. As the Synod of Bishops on ‘young people, the faith and vocational discernment’ was continuing at the Vatican, the Pope tackled some of the synod’s key questions when he met on October 13 with…

Deacons offer fresh hope for vocation crisis

The diaconate in Ireland could help encourage vocations to the priesthood, a newly-ordained deacon has said. Prominent lawyer Brett Lockhart QC, who with eight other men was ordained a deacon earlier this month in Belfast’s St Peter’s Cathedral told The Irish Catholic that as the diaconate flourishes in Ireland, there will be a “better environment…