Month: July 2020

Covid-19 highlights fragility of our world

Living Laudato Si’ Jane Mellett These have been extraordinary months across the world. Slowly and cautiously we are emerging from the Covid-19 restrictions and it is vitally important that we do not get complacent. The virus has not gone away and each of us are responsible for ensuring that we protect ourselves and each other…

Dad’s Diary

We sat huddled by the fire as the rain lashed relentlessly against the windows. My wife was treating one child for mild hypothermia and another for sunburn. We were, of course, on a traditional Irish summer holiday. The most accurate predictor of rainfall in June is the scheduling of the school holidays. It is an…

Praying when we don’t know how

He taught us how to pray while not knowing how to pray – that’s a comment sometimes made about Henri Nouwen. It seems almost contradictory to say that. How can someone teach us to pray when he himself doesn’t know how? Well, two complexities conspired together here. Henri Nouwen was a unique mixture of weakness,…

Growing evidence vitamin D defends against Covid-19

Medical Matters The search for therapies for Covid-19 has led scientists to explore an array of drugs ranging from expensive anti-virals and anti-inflammatories to anti-malarials (hydroxychloroquine) and even anti-helminthics (use to treat parasitic worms). Despite this, the potential role of something much more simple – ‘vitamin D’ in either helping to prevent infection or reduce…

Vatican Roundup

Pope says world needs fewer complainers Some people always will want to destroy unity and stifle prophets, Pope Francis said on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. And yet, Jesus challenges everyone to be – like Peter – a rock for building a renewed Church and renewed humanity, and – like Paul – a…

Thanking clergy for work during lockdown

Dear Editor, As the dioceses and parishes prepare to open up their churches and cathedrals again, albeit in restricted measures, I am sure many would join with me in thanking the many priests, bishops, religious, deacons and faithful who continued to minister to us during the weeks of lockdown. Through their creative usage of modern…