Month: July 2020

Social workers warn mental health strategy lacks substance

The Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW) has claimed that the recently-launched strategy on mental health lacks real substance. “While a refreshed mental health policy is to be welcomed, the fact that the oversight group who developed the policy did not include any core health and social care professional members of mental health multidisciplinary teams…

The Irish Spirit – Issue No. 9 Exclusive Excerpt from Sending Positive Vibes by Fr Bryan Shortall We have to make our minds up to be joyful. It comes down to a choice; do we stand out in the sunshine or do we prefer to stay indoors with the curtains closed? It is easier said than…

From Alpha through omega, it’s a whole new world

Personal Profile Jason Osborne Most people know Alpha as a series of sessions exploring the Christian Faith, open to those of all faiths and none. With each talk designed to explore a different question concerning faith and with the intention of creating conversation, it caters perfectly to the truth-seeking mind. However, it does so much…

The pleasures of our search for the true and the good

Lost in Thought. The Hidden Pleasures of Intellectual Life by Zena Hitz (Princeton University Press, £18.99) Frank Litton The world is too much with us. The most distinctive feature of Irish culture is its contempt for all things intellectual. Consider the questions that occupy us in the daily round. Because we are social animals, we seek…