Junno Arocho Esteves Corruption is an “ancient evil” that continues to plague the Catholic Church in different ways, Pope Francis said. In an interview with the Italian news agency Adnkronos, published October 30, the Pope discussed his thoughts on several issues, including the nature of corruption given recent allegations of financial malfeasance involving the Vatican.…
Month: November 2020
Discerning the culture’s needs in both vocations and media
Personal Profile Fr Maurice Colgan reflects God’s light into the world through his vocation as a Dominican, and through his work with the Alive! newspaper, although, as is so often the way, he didn’t see his life’s path taking this shape. “I had no serious inclination towards the priesthood so my future as I saw…
The real wonder of the human body
Fearfully & Wonderfully: The Marvel of Bearing God’s Image by Dr Paul Brand & Philip Yancey (Hodder Books, £9.99; kindle edition, £9.99) These days, with the daily news dominated by medical fears of all kinds and our inability to cope, many people all too conscious of the frailties of the human body and the effects that…
Treasuring Confession as vital to peace
A Parent’s Perspective One of my favourite hymns is ‘Where Your Treasure Is’, with its lines based on the words of St Luke’s Gospel “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be”. When everything else is stripped away and we’re forced to re-examine our priorities, what is most important to us? For…
Dad’s Diary
Many who live alone are finding things difficult during the lockdown. Yet I often envy them their hours of contemplative serenity and uninterrupted sleep. For there are also challenges involved in sharing your home, as I do, with four kids, two cats, a wife, a mother-in-law and a giant dog. You can therefore imagine my…
Protecting the vulnerable at home and abroad
Acting Today for a Brighter Tomorrow – 2020 Legacy Supplement Chai Brady hears from charities working to help people through homelessness, poverty, violence and the Covid-19 pandemic Irish charities are facing many difficulties trying to overcome the unique challenges wrought by the current pandemic, but many have devised creative solutions to continue helping those most…
The wolves know the high road back
The World of Books By the books editor Just over a week ago, to men driving along a mountain road around Saint-Martin-Vésubie (see the Nice-Matin newspaper’s website for its report of October 24, 2020), were astonished to encounter a pack of wolves straddling the road ahead. These it seems were not truly ‘wild wolves’. They…
Toothpicks, pepper and soap make strange companions
Children’s Corner Scientific experiments are an excellent way to learn about the world around you and also allow you to create, imagine, and explore. Although in films scientists are often wearing long white lab coats and are usually surrounded with test-tubes of bubbling liquids, you don’t actually need any of these things to do your…
Structure, ritual and habit as anchoring love, prayer and service
In his book The Second Mountain, David Brooks suggests that a key to sustaining fidelity in any vocation is to build a structure of behavior for those moments when love falters. He’s right. Anybody who has made a commitment to be faithful for the long haul inside a marriage, a friendship, a faith community or…
Vatican Roundup
Pope Francis authorises decrees concerning nine causes for sainthood Pope Francis has authorised the promulgation of several decrees regarding nine people who are on the path toward canonisation. The news came following a meeting between the Pope and Cardinal-elect Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The Pope recognised three miracles,…