Exploring Christus Vivit: Making Room for the Young Church edited by Gerard Gallagher (Veritas, €9.99/£9.12) The promise of the future is in this little book, a collection of thoughts and commentaries edited by Gerard Gallagher, on last year’s apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis Christus Vivit. The hope of creative renewal and continuation is seen by Pope…
Month: November 2020
Guiding a parish through winter’s darkness
Personal Profile Recognised around the world for his extensive cycling around the parish, with pictures of his travels reaching America and Australia, parish priest of Headford, Fr Ray Flaherty has made every effort to remain connected despite the unusual year everyone has faced. “People are hugely important. The connection with people – I think that’s…
Dad’s Diary
Hibernia is in hibernation. Outside the window, torrents of rain gush from grey November skies, while the wind groans through drunken trees. The stream is a torrent of white water cutting a path towards the distant sea, as though trying to escape the onslaught. The summer foliage has been torn violently from all but the…
Vatican Roundup
Vatican bishop: Ethics committee will guide future investments A Vatican bishop has said that a committee of outside professionals is being created to help keep Holy See investments both ethical and profitable. Bishop Nunzio Galantino, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), said November 19 that statutes for a new…
An Advent invitation: sit with the depth and power and pain of the incarnation
God becoming human invites us into a radically different relationship with the world where everything and everyone matters writes Bairbre Cahill As we approach Advent this year perhaps there is an opportunity to dig deeper into the idea of incarnation, to explore it, to reflect upon it. I would like to offer you four themes…
An invitation to maturity – weeping over Jerusalem
Maturity has various levels. Basic maturity is defined as having essentially outgrown the instinctual selfishness with which we were born so that our motivation and actions are now shaped by the needs of others and not just by our own needs. That’s the basic minimum, the low bar for maturity. After that there are degrees…
Win An Post Christmas stamps
An Post has launched the annual Christmas stamps, and to mark the launch The Irish Catholic has ten prizes of a special Christmas stamp bundle to give away to lucky winners. The special bundle is priced at €26 and includes the 20-stamp Christmas booklet (valued at €19) with one free stamp and a handy booklet…
A personal view of Jesus
My story by Jesus of Nazareth as narrated by Brendan Butler (From the author, €10.00, including postage, contact www.mystorybyjesusofnazareth.org) Brendan Butler is a well-known anti-war activist and advocate of much needed reform and of openness in the Church. He always has vital things to say, though they are not always well received. But that is the way…
‘Rejoice’ as US to re-join Paris Climate Accord
In the middle of a nail-biting US election this month, an event occurred which may have passed people by, but which has huge consequences for our common home. Three years ago, the Trump administration announced that it was pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement, a decision which came into effect on…
Beware unfounded and terrifying Covid-19 conspiracies
Notebook One of the more worrying aspects of this past year of challenges is the proliferation of misinformation and unfounded conspiracy theories concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The most egregious example was one message that did the rounds of many WhatsApp groups outlining a series of utterly false claims linking Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros,…