Month: November 2020

Two-thirds of Ireland’s  dioceses don’t have exorcists despite Vatican protocol

Only one-third of Irish dioceses have an exorcist despite the Vatican requiring each diocese to have at least one specially trained priest, researchers have discovered. Out of Ireland’s 26 dioceses there are nine exorcists according to a group of European academics, fewer per diocese than other countries in their study. However, the limited new research,…

QUB Catholic chaplaincy partners with L’Arche

The Catholic chaplaincy at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) has partnered with L’Arche Belfast to provide them with shelter and space for their activities over the winter months. L’Arche Belfast is part of a worldwide organisation which seeks to provide support for those with intellectual disabilities. With the arrival of Covid-19 in Ireland in March and…

Brickbats and bouquets…

When it was reported in a London newspaper that Catholic priests can feel hurt and dismayed when the Faithful compare and judge their sermons – via internet live-stream Masses – the BBC commentator Nick Robinson remarked smartly: “Join the club!” Those guys and gals in the media are used to both brickbats and bouquets for…