A new study has estimated that 3,462 Christians have been killed in Nigeria in the first 200 days of 2021. This works out as 17 Christian murders every day in Africa’s most populous country. The study was conducted by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety), which is based in Onitsha…
Month: August 2021
Protecting the integrity of Catholic funerals
The outrage after the controversial funerals last month of three men from Tallaght who were allegedly connected to a burglary gang was understandable, but there is a bigger question about Irish people, tradition and Catholic funerals that must be answered in modern Ireland. Namely, do people truly understand Catholic funerals? At one of the funerals…
Bishops say Spain trying to ‘dismantle the Christian worldview’
Spain’s Catholic bishops warned of growing division and tension in their country over government attempts to “deconstruct and dismantle the Christian worldview”. “We are in a difficult moment, not only because of Covid-19, but because we are convulsed by a deep institutional crisis, with some groups seeking to open a new constitutional phase and replace…
Day 1 of Vatican mega-trial begs question: Are prosecutors, judges out of their depth?
It was both predictable and inevitable that the Vatican’s “trial of the century”, featuring fraud and embezzlement charges against Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu and nine other individuals plus three corporate entities, and with the participation of attorneys representing other interested parties such as the Secretariat of State, would begin Tuesday with a whimper rather than…
Natural family planning: protecting the environment and doing something healthy for your body
Jodi Marlin “To have…To hold…To honour: Supporting God’s gifts of love and life in marriage” was the theme of Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 25-31 in the US. The annual educational campaign of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops aims to celebrate God’s vision for marriage and promote the methods of natural family planning…
‘Saints and Beasts’ I
St Brendan and the sea beasts Brendan of Clonfert must be the most famous Irish saint after Patrick himself. Today, whereas most of the Irish saints listed in the in the reference books are hardly known, Brendan stands out, and this is entirely due to his fame as a sailor. He is always ‘Brendan the…
Calling young Catholics to get into politics
At just 23, Luke-Peter Silke leads a very busy life. As well as studying Creative Writing in university, he is the secretarial assistant to Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín, a local representative for the same party and is active among many of the pro-life organisations around the country. Mr Silke believes it’s important that Catholic values…
Olympic success warmly welcomed in Skibbereen
Ireland’s gold medallist rowers Fintan McCarthy, Paul O’Donovan, and bronze medallist Emily Hegarty were welcomed back to Skibbereen “with great pride”, according to Aughadown parish priest, Fr Donal Cahill. Great pride “There’s great pride there for them,” Fr Cahill said of the Olympic champions, continuing, “there was a bit of a homecoming last night for…
How we can talk meaningfully about God
The idea that you can’t say anything meaningful about what you don’t understand has a lot of intuitive appeal. If, after all, you know nothing whatsoever about the thing you’re talking about, then you can’t say anything whatsoever about it either. Imagine overhearing the following exchange: “I just happened across a Fringle.” “Oh cool! What’s…
Young people don’t need patronising pats on the head about ‘solidarity’
On RTE a few days ago, HSE boss, Paul Reid, praised young people for coming forward for vaccinations in such large numbers thereby showing such great solidarity with older people. He linked it to similar acts of solidarity by this age group in recent years. Was he referring to the marriage and abortion referendums of…