Month: January 2022

In Brief

Unvaccinated Catholics asked not to attend Mass by English parish A parish in England has asked Catholics not to attend Mass if they are “not vaccinated and/or won’t wear a mask”. The Parish of the Holy Family, East Nottingham, in central England, issued the request most recently in a newsletter dated December 26. Under the heading “Keeping safe,”…

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Vatican pays tribute to the 22 missionaries murdered last year

In situations of extreme poverty, war or civil tensions, 22 Catholic church workers were murdered in 2021, according to Fides, the Vatican’s missionary news agency. The 13 priests, one religious brother, two religious sisters and six laypeople gave witness to their faith “in impoverished, degraded social contexts, where violence is the rule of life, the…

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The Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921: two studies of an unhappy compromise — how the latest books see the event

Birth of a State; the Anglo-Irish Treaty, Micheál Ó Fathartaigh and Liam Weeks (Irish Academic Press, €19.95/£17.99) The Treaty: the gripping story of the negotiations that brought about Irish independence and led to the Civil War, Gretchen Friemann (Merrion Press, €16.95) Apart from two commemorative stamps issued by An Post, the centenary of the signing of…

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