Month: June 2022

Service held for Belfast Troubles conversations

Staff reporter Loved ones lost during the Troubles were remembered during the ‘Courage to Lament’ ecumenical service in Belfast on Tuesday, June 21. Held in St Anne’s Cathedral, the service was led by Christian Church leaders and two women whose lives have been impacted by the violence. During the service, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate…

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News in brief

Irish delegation attends tenth WMOF in Rome An Irish delegation has travelled to Rome to attend the 10th World Meeting of Families which began Wednesday. Families, along with Archbishop of Armagh Eamon Martin and Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin Denis Nulty, travelled over to attend the event on the theme ‘Family love: a vocation and…

Big turnout for Dublin book launch

Staff reporter Would-be pilgrims to the Holy Land were among those who attended the launch of Michael Kelly’s new book in the Newman University Church in Dublin. Hosted by the Notre Dame Centre for Faith and Reason, which is based at the historic church, the launch explored themes connected with the book An Irish Pilgrimage…

New sister on Nun’s Island

More than 8,000 people tuned in to witness the final profession of a new Poor Clare sister to the convent in Nun’s Island, Galway. The profession ceremony of former UCHG dermatology nurse Sr Clare Marie, was live-streamed, a first for the community which has had a presence in Galway for nearly 400 years. ‘Touching’, ‘calming’,…

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Talking through disagreement as Catholics

Insult and bitterness are all the rage in modern discussions about the deep topics, but as Catholics we must model a different way, writes Jason Osborne I’m not sure if it’s always been like this, but discussions today about many, many topics – be it religion, politics, or otherwise – are more often fraught, tense…

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