Month: October 2022

Understanding solidarity in sport

Governments and sporting organisations must ensure equal participation and access to sport for all children, not just the able bodied, Gerard Gallagher hears Recently an international summit on sport was held in the Vatican under the theme ‘Sport for All’, September 29-30. Pope Francis addressed the attendees and spoke of “promoting the notion of sport…

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Offering support in times of grief

Personal Profile Long before she became a nun, Sr Helen Culhane RSM wanted to study nursing. Luck didn’t favour her initially and she settled into another career. But after joining the Sisters of Mercy, new doors opened to her and she has spent many years accompanying the sick, the dying and the bereaved. Sr Culhane…

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Nicaraguan president calls Church ‘dictatorship’ and bishops ‘murderers’

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega blasted Catholic leaders as a “gang of murderers,” in comments amping up persecution of the Church and scorning Pope Francis’ call for dialogue in the Central American country. In a fiery address, Ortega took aim at Nicaragua’s Catholic bishops for promoting democracy as an exit from the country’s political crisis, alleging…

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Irish missionary hailed for education work in Malaysia

An Irish sister has been hailed for her “significant” work in education as she was awarded an honorary doctorate in Malaysia. Sr Enda Ryan FMM (Francisan Missionaries of Mary) from Galbally, Co. Limerick worked in the country for 67 years. She received the doctorate in humanities from Taylor’s University. Speaking at the ceremony, Sr Enda…

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Russian bishops: Nation must recognise conscientious objection to war

Russia’s bishops said Catholics face dilemmas responding to a mass call-up for the war in Ukraine, and they urged President Vladimir Putin’s government to recognise conscientious objection. “The confrontation in Ukraine has grown into a full-scale military conflict and already claimed thousands of lives, undermining trust and unity between countries and peoples, and threatening the…

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