Month: December 2022

Pope to EU: Migration must be managed, not stopped

Migration across the Mediterranean Sea is as old as humanity, and while some governments say they want to stop that movement of people, it will not and should not happen, Pope Francis said. “Migration is essential to the well-being of this area and cannot be stopped. Therefore, it is in the interest of all parties…

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Rejoice, the Lord is near

The Sunday Gospel “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near.” This is the entrance antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday, a day to rejoice. I am intrigued by the prominence of the letter ‘w’ in Advent…winter, wonder, wilderness, waiting and the womb of…

EU project: grown from ‘ashes and destruction’

While the European Union is not perfect, we must recognise its achievements, the new Irish EU nuncio tells Chai Brady There are matters of “serious concern” for the Church regarding certain manoeuvrings within the European Union, but there are Catholic organisations and people working to make sure they are challenged, according to the new Apostolic…

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Christmas is about Christ, end of story

Dear Editor, The whitewashing of even the word Christmas from events organised by some Government bodies – despite clearly being Christmas festivals/markets – is deeply concerning. Well done for highlighting it on your front page [The Irish Catholic – December 1, 2022]. It is sad to see the values on which Ireland as we know…

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Vatican Roundup

Prefect of Vatican economy office steps down Three years after Pope Francis appointed him to speed up financial reforms, transparency and budget controls at the Vatican, Jesuit Fr Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves has resigned for health reasons. The Vatican announced November 30 that Fr Guerrero was stepping down as prefect of the Secretariat for the…

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