Month: December 2022

In Short

8 out of 10 Irish adults to give to charity at Christmas More than 8 out of 10 Irish adults plan on making a donation to charity over the Christmas period, a new survey has shown. Some 86% of Irish adults will definitely or probably make a charitable donation of money, time or goods during…

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Don’t kick Christ out of Christmas, politicians plead

Chai Brady, Ruadhán Jones and Jason Osborne Senior Oireachtas members have criticised the “lack of respect” shown for Christians as publicly-funded agencies increasingly use ‘winter’ instead of ‘Christmas’ to speak about the celebration of the birth of Christ. The stance taken by bodies like Dublin City Council and Fáilte Ireland of excluding Christian sentiments is…

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Christians now minority in England

Staff Reporter England and Wales are now minority Christian countries, according to the 2021 British census. The census revealed a 5.5 million drop in the number of Christians and a 44% rise in the number of people following Islam. It is the first time in a census of England and Wales that less than half…

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Tuam plans for parishioner led faith communities

The Archdiocese of Tuam is planning for parishioner led faith communities as the “downward trend” in vocations to the priesthood continues. Archbishop Francis Duffy announced the plans in a pastoral letter to the people of the diocese, read out at Masses over the weekend November 26-27. There are presently 41 diocesan priests under the retirement…

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