Dear Editor, With the noble exception of yourself, it seems that our media was virtually incapable of finding a single commentator who had anything positive to say about the late Pope Benedict XVI. To call a lot of the coverage petty and churlish would be an understatement. No one should expect that the passing of…
Month: January 2023
Vatican Roundup
Get out of your comfort zone to seek God like the Magi, Pope Francis says On the Solemnity of the Epiphany, Pope Francis said that if the Magi had remained comfortable, they never would have encountered the Lord in Bethlehem. In his homily for the Church’s celebration of the Three Kings on January 6, the…
Future Doctor of the Church?
Scholars say German professor-pope stands the test of time writes Maria Wiering Beginning well before he was elected pope in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI made substantial contributions to theology and Catholic thought through his prolific writing, academic lectures and long-form interviews, say scholars who study his work. In the wake of his death, Benedict has been…
Pope Benedict’s legacy to the Church: saving its past, and shaping its future
The passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI marks an important milestone in the history of the Catholic Church, in large part because of his role as a writer and scholar. All his life Joseph Ratzinger was an intellectual figure, a continuing student of theology and philosophy. He once said that “his only real friends were…
Benedict XVI: ‘May your joy be complete as you hear his voice’
There is no doubt Pope Benedict will leave a lasting legacy as a teacher and theologian, writes Chai Brady in Rome A misty, cold morning greeted mourners the day of Pope Benedict XVI’s funeral Mass and the chill did not leave the air as thousands streamed into St Peter’s Square for what would be a…
Centenary of the Screen’s Moses
As the new year begins I’m reminded that Charlton Heston was born 100 years ago. One of his first major roles was as Moses in Cecil B. De Mille’s The Ten Commandments. Parting the Red Sea could be said to be starting at the top. He decided to play him as “a man much scarred…
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: ‘Lord I love you’
Fr John Harris OP During the last week I have been remembering the times I met with Cardinal Ratzinger when I was studying in Rome. I never met him after his election as pope. Back in November 1993 I wrote a letter to an Irish national newspaper, when an article in that paper had described…
Former Vatican economy prefect Cardinal Pell dies at 81
Australian Cardinal George Pell, former prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy and archbishop of Sydney and of Melbourne, died on January 10 in Rome. He was 81. Sources told OSV News that Cardinal Pell went in for hip replacement surgery January 10 and died of cardiac arrest following complications of the surgery. Beginning at…
At funeral, Pope remembers Benedict’s ‘wisdom, tenderness, devotion’
Carol Glatz/OSV Pope Benedict XVI “spread and testified to” the Gospel his entire life, Pope Francis told tens of thousands of people gathered January 5 for his predecessor’s funeral Mass. “Like the women at the tomb, we too have come with the fragrance of gratitude and the balm of hope, in order to show him…
A farewell to Benedict
‘Prophetic’ Pope remembered as a friend to Ireland The late Pope Benedict was “prophetic” and always showed a keen interest in Ireland, an Irish-born diplomat who worked closely with the Pontiff has told The Irish Catholic. As Benedict is laid to rest today (Thursday) in the grotto underneath St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican following…