Month: January 2023

Benedict XVI’s interest in peace process ‘greatly appreciated’, says former British ambassador

Pope Benedict XVI’s interest in the North’s peace process and reconciliation was “greatly appreciated”, a former British ambassador to the Holy See has said. During his eight-year reign, the deceased pope encouraged Irish and UK political leaders in “their tireless efforts towards peace”, Prof. Francis Campbell told The Irish Catholic. “He often cited the example…

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Eighteen missionaries killed violently in 2022

A total of 18 missionaries lost their lives violently around the world in 2022. The data, gathered by Fides Agency and released in its annual report, found twelve priests, one brother, three women religious, one seminarian, and one lay person were killed. Nine missionaries were killed in Africa, eight missionaries in the Americas, and one in…

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Irish parents go biblical with baby names

The Bible continues to provide naming inspiration in modern Ireland, with four of the top five most popular male names given December 2021 coming from biblical figures. ‘Jack’, the exception, remained at the top of the 12-month list for the second year running, with ‘Noah’ coming in close behind at second place. Michael, James and…

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One of the oldest Irish nuns dies in the US

One of the oldest Irish nuns worldwide, 102-year-old Irish Sr Anthony Eileen Reidy OSF, died on January 1 in Assisi House, Philadelphia. Born in Cork, where she was a member of St Columbkille Parish, Ballyagram, Sr Reidy had been a professed member of the Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia for 77 years. She entered…

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Notable quotes from Pope Benedict XVI

Joy and Hope “Know that God will never abandon you. Turn your eyes to him often. He gave his life for you on the cross because he loves you. Contemplation of this great love brings a hope and joy to our hearts that nothing can destroy. Christians can never be sad, for they have met…

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Ireland’s 50 years in the EU…

It is 50 years since Ireland joined the European Union – then called the European Economic Community, (EEC) and subsequently, just the European Community (EC). I remember it because I was reporting from Brussels at the time, and fireworks and parties were laid on for the accession of Ireland, Britain and Denmark. Key role But…

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