Month: January 2023

The Baptism of Jesus

Who is this child born in Bethlehem? The manifestation of his divinity is known as an epiphany. On Friday, the sixth of January, we recall the first of three epiphanies. The Wise Men coming from the east brought gold to proclaim Jesus as king, frankincense to represent his priesthood, and myrrh which is used for…

‘I never had respect for the bishops’, says dictator Ortega

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, once again attacked the Catholic Church in the Central American country, accusing it of “calling for bloodshed,” and said, “I never had respect for the bishops.” The Sandinista dictator made the statement December 19 during the 25th commencement for graduates in police sciences from the Walter Mendoza Martínez Police…

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Why are the media ignoring pro-life doctors?

In December, a group of doctors, nurses and midwives wrote an open letter to Minister Stephen Donnelly ‘strongly urging’ him to keep the 3-day waiting period before a woman undergoes an abortion. It was a significant statement for several reasons. Firstly, it was timely, in that the Government is supposed to be conducting a review of the abortion…

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My top 10 books of 2022

‘The book you need to read finds you, and finds you at that time in your life when you need to read it’. I believe that old axiom, and offer it here as an apologia for my selection of books for 2022. Good art and good literature always have an objective element to them, a…

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Learning to love with St Francis de Sales

Pope Francis thought it a good idea to hone in on the life of St Francis de Sales on the 400th anniversary of his death and so should we, writes Jason Osborne On December 28 Pope Francis released an apostolic letter Totum Amoris Est (‘Everything Pertains to Love’), to mark the fourth centenary of the…

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The dialogue between faith and reason

The Wisdom of Pope Francis Christian faith, inasmuch as it proclaims the truth of God’s total love and opens us to the power of that love, penetrates to the core of our human experience. Each of us comes to the light because of love, and each of us is called to love in order to…

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