Month: September 2023

Parish celebrates 200 years of strong Christian witness

Over 600 Rathmines parishioners celebrated the parish’s 200th anniversary on Saturday, September 17, with a Mass and reception in the Church of Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners. Fr Andrew O’Sullivan, parish priest in Dublin, celebrated the anniversary Mass, which the parish spent months preparing for. A number of museum and reliquary displays, including one exhibiting…

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Are ‘little white lies’ okay to tell?

Jenna Marie Cooper Q: Is it always wrong in every case to lie? What about the so-called ‘little white lie?’ I’m thinking of situations where you tell a person something you know is false to spare their feelings, when they’re likely never going to know the truth anyway. A: Our Catholic Faith teaches us that…

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O’Casey’s Dublin trilogy: the Druid production of his three plays set in the Irish revolution

Sean O’Casey’s Dublin trilogy – The Shadow of a Gunman (1923), Juno and the Paycock (1924) and The Plough and the Stars (1926) – was the first effort at demythologising the Irish revolution in the public sphere. As Conor Cruise O’Brien wrote, these plays “are not revolutionary, and are even counter-revolutionary in their implications and…

Surrendering to love

Perhaps all of Jesus’ invitations to us can be summarised in one word, surrender. We need to surrender to love. But why is that difficult? Shouldn’t it be the most natural thing in the world? Isn’t our deepest desire a longing to find love and surrender to it? True, our deepest longing is to surrender…

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Pope’s call for harmony in Mongolia resounds deeply

Dear Editor, The recent visit of Pope Francis to Mongolia is a momentous occasion that holds profound significance for Catholics and the world at large. In a time when the global community faces various challenges and divisions, the Pope’s visit to Mongolia sends a powerful message of unity, peace, and dialogue. Mongolia, a predominantly Buddhist…

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It isn’t too late to change for the better

Deacon Greg Kandra Ez 18:25-28 Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Phil 2:1-11 Phil 2:1-5 (alternate) Mt 21:28-32   This Sunday’s Gospel offers us an idea a lot of us need to hear: “It’s not too late. Any of us, if we choose, can follow another path.” Telling the story of two sons who made two different…

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