Month: October 2023

All Saints’ Day: History and traditions

This great feast is one of the Church’s most underappreciated, writes Paul Senz The author of the Letter to the Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies…

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Euthanasia turns doctors into ‘agents of death’

Euthanasia undermines foundational principles of Irish life, Bishop Kevin Doran tells Ruadhán Jones Ireland’s political powers are considering legislating to legalise assisted suicide, a move that would have far reaching consequences for Irish life. This comes despite palliative carers and most recently the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland coming out against the practice in a…

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NI abortions double after termination law change

The rate of abortions in the North almost doubled in the three years since the abortion law was changed, new statistics reveal. As of May 23, 5,648 abortions have taken place in the North, figures released by the Department of Health to Both Lives Matter showed. Since Westminster’s controversial intervention in 2020 to forcefully legalise…

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Our sisters in Faith: the medieval nuns of Ireland

Brides of Christ: Women and Monasticism in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland, edited by Martin Browne OSB, Tracy Collins, Bronagh McShane and Colmán Ó Clabaigh OSB (Four Courts Press, €50.00/ £45.00) Patricia Rumsey As the number of candidates for religious life apparently dwindles, so the wider interest in religious life – and particularly women’s monastic life…