Month: February 2024

Don Bosco — A legacy to inform the future

Consecrated Life Supplement Interact with most under a certain age without the advantage of perspective and you’re likely to subscribe to the view that the past is a snarling beast, whose remnants continue to lurk our free and tolerant society with a menace that needs to be attentively fended off wherever it’s perceived to be…

The significance of Ash Wednesday

There are good reasons behind why Lent begins as it does, writes D.D. Emmons Among the beautiful, meaningful and solemn ceremonies of the Catholic Church is the gathering of the Faithful on Ash Wednesday. This special day begins our Lenten journey. It is the start of 40 days of prayer, penance and almsgiving as we…

How can we call Mary the ‘Mother of God’?

Is it legitimate to call Mary the ‘Mother of God’? Some Christians reject the title, saying it implies that God himself somehow has his origin in Mary. How could the Creator of all things, who depends on no one else for his existence, possibly have a ‘mother’? To understand why Christians have called Our Lady…

Breaking faith with each other

Is this new or are we just more aware of it? Hatred and contempt are everywhere. They are in our government houses, in our communities, in our churches and in our families. We are struggling, mostly without success, to be civil with each other, let alone to respect each other. Why? Why is this happening…

Francis Xavier: a saint in a hurry

The Great Dreamer: The Life and Mission of St Francis Xavier by Brendan Comerford (Messenger Publications, €12.95 / £11.95) St Francis Xavier is among the most celebrated of the original body of Jesuits. He has been the subject of many biographies and devotional books in the past – the author mentions some of them on…