Month: February 2024

A sister who soars the skies

Consecrated Life Supplement In March we celebrate International Women’s Day. So today I want to tell you part of the story of Sr Nina Underwood MMM. I say part of the story because recently I read her account of being kidnapped by guerrilla fighters during a bloody civil war. But we will let that part…

Impressive Irish composer celebrated

This year celebrates a number of composer centenaries, among them the anniversary of the death of Dublin-born Charles Villiers Stanford, who played an important role in music education in the UK where he was professor at Cambridge and a founder of London’s Royal College of Music. The NSO remembers him at the NCH tomorrow (February…

Tributes to some of the great and the good

  Tim Pat Coogan, my former boss as editor of the Irish Press, singles out in his book Ireland in the Twentieth Century, Sean Lemass and TK Whitaker as “hinge” figures between the “old” and the “new” Irelands that emerged in the early 1960s. Lemass, one of the original architects of the Fianna Fáil policy…

Wealthy Ireland feels like Poor Ireland

Public sector unions can rightly be pleased with the 10.25% pay increase that they secured from the Government for their members late last week. Now, one in every three Euro raised in taxes is being spent on public sector pay and pensions. The Government has, so far, been tight-lipped on long-awaited ‘reforms’ and ‘efficiencies’ that…

Confirmation: A ‘dead duck’ or powerful fire?

Notebook In last week’s notebook, Fr Bernard Cotter raised some interesting questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation. His reflections followed on from a recent meeting with parents of the candidates for Confirmation and parish personnel. The meeting seemed to lack any enthusiasm from the parents to such an extent that the person who chaired the…

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