Month: May 2024

Are the pro-Palestinian protests just like Vietnam?

The pro-Palestinian disturbances on American – and other campuses – have been widely compared to the youthful demonstrations which helped to bring an end to the Vietnam war in the 1960s. Certainly, the protests against the American involvement in the Vietnam war were momentous (Australia and other allies also took part). Two Irish-American Catholic priests,…

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Seanad rejects amendment to protect silent prayer outside of abortion clinics

An amendment that sought to protect silent prayer outside abortion clinics, proposed by Senators Sharon Keogan and Rónán Mullen, resulted in multiple senators insisting that “prayer is a personal thing” and that praying outside, even if the nature of the prayer is silent, “can easily be identified as protest”. The proposal was eventually defeated. Outlining…

Democracy in today’s world: can it survive?

Democracy in today’s world: can it survive? Adventures in Democracy: The Turbulent World of People Power by Erica Benner (Allan Lane, £25.00 / €29.50) This short book by political philosopher Erica Benner is a timely meditation on the nature of democracy, both ancient and modern. It is timely because democratic values are under threat everywhere today,…

Religious Education is more important now than ever

As Ireland becomes increasing multireligious and multicultural, empathy to other faiths especially Islam is of great service to the common good writes Dr Niall Coll, Bishop of Ossory. Let me say how incredibly helpful it is to have such an excellent quantitative and qualitative study of important aspects of the shape of Catholic education in…

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Pentecost: Breathe,  forgive, renew

We need to let go of negative feelings that come from being offended, writes Mike Nelson What could be more essential to life than breathing – or forgiving? Breathing and forgiving: One follows the other. Forgiveness, as Jesus makes clear throughout his earthly ministry, is part of the deal for all who call themselves his…