Month: July 2024

I walked a different path to Vincent

It’s not unusual – when a person passes the milestone of 80 years of age – to ask what they celebrate and what they regret over the passage of their lives. Vincent Browne, the legendary publisher, editor, journalist, and inquisitorial broadcaster who, in his time, made politicians quake in their shoes, says that his greatest regret…

The corporate lawyer who became a Dominican friar

Fr Benedict McGlinchey “Do you judge them to be worthy?” is a question that the ordaining Bishop asks during the Rite of Ordination to the priesthood. It is unlikely that any newly ordained priest really feels himself worthy of the gift of priesthood that he has received. But that sense of unworthiness sits alongside a…

Troubles Legacy Act replacement must help deliver ‘peaceful future’ for youth

Following the Labour Government’s commitment to repeal and replace the controversial Troubles Legacy Act, the Bishop of Derry has said any new proposals must ensure “we develop a more honest narrative about our shared past” and deliver a more peaceful future for youth. The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act was rejected by all…