Month: February 2025

What are we exposing our children to?

Self-consciously smart commentators can sometimes sneer at moral panics, and some people are truly prone to over catastrophising, but I fear that in relation to children’s access to all sorts of depravity online, the worriers may be justified. The issue was raised on Mornings with Wendy (Spirit Radio, Friday) when Wendy Grace spoke to Alex…

On the road to a new life with Brother Ben

A Song for the Way, by Ben Harrison (Dominican Publications, €12.00 / £10.00)   Over the years parts of this book have appeared as articles in journals, but being brought together here they provide readers new to the author’s work with a very vivid reading experience. In a strange way it recollects the Beat Generation…

The unspoken reality of appointments

Sometimes I wonder about Rome. Not Rome as a tourist destination, which is a venue unsurpassed. With apologies to Samuel Johnson, when a person is tired of Rome, that man or woman is tired of life. I don’t deny Rome’s importance as a goal for pilgrims either, though no doubt in this Holy Year some…

Dear Editor, Many thanks for opening a debate about the ministry of priests in Ireland today in the ‘Relentless Ministry’ section [The Irish Catholic – January 16, 2025]. It seems clear that many priests are hurting very badly, and this may be partly as a result of a reluctance on our part to speak to…

Touching evocation of broken lives

We’re an hour into Mike Leigh’s Hard Truths (12A) before a character says to Pansy (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), “Why are you so angry?” It’s a question you’re entitled to be asking yourself from the first minute of the film. Leigh doesn’t spoon-feed us with answers to it. Hurt people hurt people. There’s a suggestion she may…

The Irish Pastor writes

Notes in haste – January 2025 We have a new school principal in our Catholic school, which rejoices in having our bishop as its patron. The chair of the board of management almost crowed at the Catholic attributes of the new principal; he would be a squeaky-clean leader of our school, in addition to already…