Month: March 2025

Trinitarian Order quietly helping persecuted Christians for 800 years

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú    A new documentary, Ocho Siglos Después (Eight Centuries Later), sheds light on the plight of persecuted Christians in regions like Syria, Nigeria, and northern India, where faith remains a source of resilience amid oppression. The film, produced by Fascina Producciones, was screened on February 25 at Madrid’s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. The event featured…

Indonesian scholars and religious leaders discuss Pope’s impact on religious landscape

Indonesia’s Minister of Religious Affairs, Prof. KH Nasaruddin Umar, emphasised the importance of religious tolerance and interfaith harmony during a colloquium and book discussion at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia on February 25. Titled ‘Salve Peregrinans Spei!’, the event focused on perspectives from 33 prominent Indonesian Muslim figures regarding Pope Francis’ visit. In his…

Changes in Cork’s First Communion celebrations result in disagreements

Changes planned for Communion and First Confession celebrations in Cork have repeatedly caused disagreements between primary school teachers and Bishop Fintan Gavin. Recently, Bishop Gavin sent a letter to parish priests asking for Communions to only take place on weekends, and First Confessions outside of school hours. The request was not received well by teachers…

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