Month: March 2025

What does Hope mean?

Dermot Byrne   As we approach the month of March and the much longed for stretch in the evening begins to make its presence felt, we can justifiably start to think about spring. Awaiting tender shoots, daffodils and the subtle hint of green that will soon return to the canopies of the woodlands, our minds…

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We have to be in this together

Back in the days of the Wild West in the United States, the primary means of transportation was the stagecoach. We’ve seen people riding in stagecoaches in Western movies. What we might not know is that the stagecoach had three different classes of tickets. However, the distinction between classes had nothing to do with the…

Write your lenten Creed

  Dt 26:4-10 Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 Rom 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13   On this first Sunday of the new Lenten season, the Church, as always, presents the narrative of the three kinds of temptation that the Lord faced in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13). The differing approaches of the Devil symbolise the various efforts the…

We must look up to the cross

Peter Kasko   I was in the shop earlier this week. As I was putting the items away, I nearly walked out without paying. A funny conversation ensued and at one point the cashier said: “Nothing in this life is for free.” I simply nodded while tapping my card away, and she continued: “Or in…

The call to religious life

Bro. Denis Aherne OFM I’m a Franciscan OFM originally from Listowel in Co. Kerry. I want to share with you how God has worked in my life. On Sunday, February 2, I shared my vocation story at the Cork Cathedral for the Jubilee Mass of consecrated life. I was born totally deaf in the right…

Epic and dramatic tales of Faith

It’s a tale of beginnings and endings this week! I enjoyed the first episode of the new biblical series House of David, launched on Amazon Prime last Thursday. I’m not a great fan of biblical epics – they often opt for spectacle rather than spirit, so the Bible, I’d suggest, is better read than seen!…

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