800 years thanksgiving Mass in Knock highlights lasting mission of the Order of Preachers, says OP provincial

800 years thanksgiving Mass in Knock highlights lasting mission of the Order of Preachers, says OP provincial Fr John Harris OP, Provincial of the Irish province of the Dominicans, leading the Mass at Knock. Photo: Facebook page of Irish Dominicans

The Irish Dominicans commemorated 800 years since the first Dominicans arrived in Ireland with a special Mass broadcasted by RTÉ from Knock on July 28th. The basilica was filled with Dominican nuns, sisters, lay Dominicans, the choir from St Mary’s, Co. Cork, friars, members of Dominican youth groups, and communities linked with the Order of Preachers.

During his homily, Fr John Harris OP, Provincial of the Irish province of the Dominicans, emphasised the lasting mission of the Dominican family. “Our mission, brothers and sisters, has not changed over the last 800 years. We are to be creatures of grace, all of us, as part of the great Dominican family. In our different ways, we are being asked to enter into our faith and invite others to share in the same truth of our Christian faith. The scene here at Knock summons us as Dominicans to be faithful to our vocation.”

In 1224, three years after the death of St Dominic, twelve members travelled from Oxford to Dublin, setting up a priory on the north bank of the Liffey, where the Four Courts now stand. Other friars followed, and such was the energy of the newly founded Order that it expanded rapidly once it had come to Ireland.

Fr Harris highlighted the importance of prayer and the liturgical life of the Church in deepening their knowledge and love of God. He said, “For it is from our prayer and our sharing in the liturgical life of the Church that we go deeper in our knowledge and love of God, and from there go forth to preach as St John the evangelist, the beloved disciple. It is through prayer, receiving the blessings from the liturgy and our study at the desk, that we can discover that we are the beloved. And from that experience of being loved we go forth as preachers.”

The ceremony at Knock Basilica marked a significant milestone for the Irish Dominicans, reaffirming their commitment to their vocation and mission.