Celebrating 100 years of Weddings at Newman University Church

Celebrating 100 years of Weddings at Newman University Church Granddaughter and grandmother going through couples’ photographs in Newman University Church, Co. Dublin.

For the third year in a row, Newman University Church, located in Co. Dublin, will be celebrating couples that have been married in the same church for over 100 years. A special Mass will be hosted for the couples on February 16, followed by a reception with champagne and chocolates. During this month, Newman University is displaying photographs of couples on their wedding day. 350 photographs have already been submitted.

Speaking to The Irish Catholic, Fr Gary Chamberland shared that, “last year was delightful. We had about 400 people here. We were packed and there were some beautiful stories. One woman had come back alone because her husband had passed during the year, but she still came back because the place and the event meant so much to her. An elderly couple from Sligo. They took the train in for the day.”

“What’s important to remember is that this is about families and couples. Couples could be married two and three or 50 or 60 years. These couples can show the outcome of that life… You can see how love has transformed them. And it’s just wonderful to see them,” said Fr Chamberland.

The priest shared that he notices that very few people have any understanding of what marriage is going to be like before they get into it. “There are difficult times and growth comes through them. Most people standing at 50 or 60 years married would look at some young people today and say, ‘stop worrying and just do it’.  You continue to form as a person in the relationship, in the marriage.”