A Mass a day keeps the blues away

Regular Mass going protects against feelings of loneliness and suicidal thoughts a new Irish study has revealed, with weekly attendence being better than monthly. The Trinity College Dublin (TCD) study found there are increasing rates of both loneliness and suicidal thoughts among older adults in Ireland, but that attending Mass can “protect against these negative…

Pope begins 12 day trip in Indonesia

Pope Francis arrived in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Tuesday, kicking off the longest and farthest trip of his tenure to the Asia Pacific region. He is expected to highlight environmental concerns and the importance of interfaith dialogue during the 12 day trip, which will also see him travel to Papua New Guinea, Singapore and Timor-Leste –…

Donegal parish firm after arson attack on church

St Baithin’s Church in St Johnston, Donegal, originally built in the 1850s was the target of an arson attack last Wednesday which saw its sacristy “totally blackened with soot”. But despite the shocking attack, which resulted in a man being charged last Thursday, Pastor Emeritus of the parish, Monsignor Dan Carr allayed fears and said…

Probing the reasons why…

Perhaps this is the kind of conversation that must often take place in private. Recently, a friend reflectively aired this thought, “with so much contraception now available, one must wonder why Irish abortion figures continued to rise.” There were 10,033 abortions in the Irish Republic in 2023, increased from 8,156 in 2022 and 6,577 in…

“I have witnessed incontrovertible evidence of hospitals being directly targeted in Gaza” – Prof. Maynard

The Irish Catholic Autumn Legacy Supplement 2024 Professor Nick Maynard is a consultant gastrointestinal surgeon at Oxford University Hospital in England who has been visiting Gaza regularly since 2010. Working with Trócaire’s partner organisation Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), Prof. Maynard has travelled to Gaza three times since the latest devastating war began last October, putting himself at great personal risk…