A mature debate on same-sex ‘marriage’

Dear Editor, Recently, we took part in a debate on same-sex ‘marriage’ on a university campus (NUI Maynooth) with lots of young students in attendance in a packed lecture theatre.

Presenting the Catholic position, and looking both to natural-law reasoning and revelation, we defended traditional man-woman marriage as the only form of marriage that retains the true meaning of marriage: that, whatever else it is about, marriage has an essential ordering to procreation.

Even if some marriages are not so blessed, marriage is still about an openness to children. We were very pleased by how good-natured the debate was and would like to complement both the hosts (the Literary and Debating Society, NUIM) and our debating opponents (the LGBT Society, NUIM) both of whom were happy to facilitate a robust and courteous debate.

Compassion and respect was forthcoming from both sides. Our side lost in the scoring by only 30 votes (over 200 young people present including many who belong to the gay community).

How fantastic that we were able to have a mature debate on this important issue. It goes to show that we do not have be too shy about voicing the traditional view of marriage and child-rearing. We also cannot recommend highly enough the need for Catholics to be able to articulate a basic defence of marriage.

May we recommend this website: www.marriageuniqueforareason.org. It is important to realise that we can love and respect same-sex attracted persons while at the same time upholding the truth about marriage, an institute that is vital for children’s welfare. 

In fact, we do a great disservice to our brothers and sisters if we pretend marriage is something it is not. As a Church let us speak up on this issue – and the sooner we start dialoguing the better. 

Yours etc.,

Eamon Roche, James Boyle,
Marie Cummins,

NUI Maynooth,

Co. Kildare.