Dear Editor, Many people in Ireland, for various reasons, no longer practice the Catholic faith. Others are lukewarm or gone private. They are ashamed to speak out or defend their religion except with people of like-mind.
‘Normality’ today is anything but – it is a new culture driven by powerful advertising, maybe, better recognised as consumerism, eventually leading to materialism. Moral principles of honesty and integrity fly out the window.
Young people, hypnotised by cleverly designed advertising, grow up believing excesses in gambling, drinking, sex, pornography, wealth and over-socialising are ‘normal’.
The Catholic Church is in control of the greatest product on earth – ‘religion’. It is the Word of God that can bring an abundance of happiness to all mankind. Why is it not marketed more? Not just to the already converted followers of the Catholic press but through powerful national media advertising to all and sundry. “Come to me all you who labour and are burdened and I will refresh you”, with other Bible messages on huge notice boards, should adorn the forecourts of Catholic Churches everywhere.
Why don’t bishops and priests speak out on everyday problems without being afraid of members of the congregation? Archbishop Diarmuid Martin grasps the nettle and nervously attempts to get it right. The recently deceased Redemptorist Fr Vincent Kavanagh was an expert in the art.
So many people are unable to find real meaning and hope in life today, why not spread the greatest news of all, the normality and joy of bringing Christ into their lives. The first Apostles did it on foot! With a global network of communication now at our fingertips, what’s holding us back?
Yours etc.,
James Gleeson,
Co. Tipperary.