‘AI is a tool for an inclusive Church’ says deaf chaplain

‘AI is a tool for an inclusive Church’ says deaf chaplain

Accessible liturgies are an “absolute imperative”, said the Chaplain for the Deaf Community in Munster, John Patrick Doherty. “Today, with Irish Sign Language (ISL) officially recognised as the first language of the Deaf Community in Ireland since 2017, there is an even greater responsibility to ensure that this language is fully integrated into the life of the Church.”

It “is not just about accessibility—it is about belonging. It is about ensuring that the Deaf Community can experience the fullness of the liturgy and feel truly part of the Body of Christ,” the Chaplain said.

To guarantee accessible Masses and Services, the Chaplain said there are other tools, in case ISL is not available. If the priest is not fluent and no interpreter is available, speech-to-text software is a good alternative. To “display the prayers, readings, and homily on a monitor or screen in real time,” he said, “allows deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to follow along.”

Mr Doherty said there are “exciting and promising” recent advancements in AI-driven sign language translation technologies. “These developments have the potential to revolutionise communication for the Deaf Community, making real-time conversations and translations more accessible in a variety of settings.”

For the Church, the Chaplain said, these advancements could open-up new possibilities for “making liturgies, catechesis, and pastoral care more accessible.”

He said: “Imagine a future where AI-driven sign language translation can assist priests, catechists, and chaplains in reaching deaf individuals in real-time, ensuring that no one is excluded from the life of the Church.”

Mr Doherty encourages parishioners to help their parishes to become more accessible. “Whether it’s advocating for accessible liturgies, learning more about the needs of the Deaf and blind communities, or simply fostering a spirit of welcome and understanding, each of us can play a role in building a Church that truly reflects the love of Christ.”