Almost 400 Derry diocese students receive JPII Awards

Almost 400 Derry diocese students receive JPII Awards Students from Moville Community College enjoy the Pope John Paul II Awards ceremony. Photos: Stephen Latimer.

Almost 400 young people from Derry diocese received the Pope John Paul II Award at a ceremony in St Eugene’s Cathedral on February 7.

The guest speaker, Alexander McLean alongside Bishop Donal McKeown, patron of the Award, presented the Award to 381 young people from all over the diocese of Derry and beyond. Three people received the Papal Cross Award.

These young people came from 19 second level schools across the diocese and three second level schools outside the diocese. They represented 47 parishes in the diocese and 11 parishes outside the diocese.

Guest speaker Mr McLean is the founder of Justice Defenders (formerly African Prisons Project, or APP), which is based in Uganda and seeks to improve the lives of people imprisoned in Africa.

Mr McLean gave an inspiring account of his life, a spokesperson for the diocese said in a statement. He outlined how he saw the need for justice in a prison system in Uganda that lacked basic human rights and dignity.

“He inspired the young people of Derry to not let anyone diminish them and encouraged them to continue the great work that they did throughout their award especially with social outreach,” the spokesperson said.

“Alexander’s words and example shone through, and he finished his speech with a prayer from St Francis. The ceremony came to a close with the beautiful voice of David James,” they said.