An insult to the heroes of the Rising

Dear Editor, I write to commend The Irish Catholic on its recent front page story regarding this year’s Mass to commemorate the sacrifice of those who fought during the 1916 Easter Rising (1916 families appeal for Mass ban to be lifted, IC 1/5/14).

I was shocked to hear that the families of those who fought and died in the cause of Irish freedom were not consulted by the Government prior to the decision to ban members of the Defence Forces from participating in the Mass.

Cara O’Neill is undoubtedly right in her assertion that this is a thoroughly “unjust decision” and the result of “thoughtless high-handedness which is contrary to the purpose for which our public representatives are elected to office”.

The former Defence Minister’s lame response to families that it is “no longer considered appropriate that military personnel would be requested to perform such a role in a religious ceremony” is simply offensive. This is clearly yet another move by this Government to curtail people of faith in the name of ‘inclusivity’.

Perhaps now that Mr Shatter has stepped aside, Taoiseach Enda Kenny might listen to the appeals of the families, who have clearly been left hurt and angry at the decision by one of his Government ministers to tear apart a long standing tradition.

I would commend TDs like Mattie McGrath for lobbying on behalf of the families and The Irish Catholic for highlighting this important issue that has been neglected widely elsewhere in the mainstream media.

Your etc.,

Patrick O’Rourke,


Dublin 3.