The chairperson of St Brigid’s Parish Council shares his story with Martin O’Brien
Terry Waite addresses NI clergy on peace
The North East PEACE III Partnership has celebrated the success of its unique Clergy Peace Building Project with a closing conference in Ballymena, Co. Antrim addressed by renowned international humanitarian, author and former Beirut hostage, Terry Waite CBE. The Clergy Peace Building Project worked with 30 individual clergy to promote peace building opportunities within the…
A pastoral Pope
In an explosive new interview, Pope Francis tells Fr Antonia Spadaro SJ the Church needs to be more open
Armagh ordination to the Permanent Diaconate
Next Sunday, September 29 will be an historic day in the Archdiocese of Armagh when the first ordination to the Permanent Diaconate will take place in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. Five men, having completed three years’ formation and theological training, will be ordained as deacons for service in five parishes in the Archdiocese of Armagh:…
Pope’s remarkable style
Pope Francis is barely six months in office and his pontificate is having a remarkable effect on people both inside and outside the Church. The Holy Father has an extraordinary ability to find simple words to pose fundamental questions about the world in which we live, about the Church and about the life of faith.…
Children to celebrate national day of prayer
Children helping Children, the initiative that involves Irish children helping children in developing countries, is gearing up to celebrate the National Day of Prayer and Share, on October 11. Established in 2007 by World Missions Ireland, over 1,500 schools throughout the country take part in the day and last year 49 projects in Africa and…
Saving lives with ‘God’s needle’
As we approach Mission Month, Lily Gaynor describes life as a lay Christian missionary in West Africa.
The Di is cast
Naomi Watts is one of my favourite actresses, and her performance here as Princess Diana has its moments, but it has to be said that she doesn’t look that much like her. Maybe we’ve been spoiled in this department by the fact that Helen Mirren was a dead ringer for Queen Elizabeth in The Queen and Meryl…
On not faking humility
The invitation to humility is a clear and constant echo inside of Christian spirituality, writes Fr Rolheiser
At the heart of the Eucharist
It has been quite clear in recent years that some Catholics hold what would have once been considered heterodox beliefs about the Eucharist. This was, for many traditional minded people, demonstrated by Mary McAleese taking the sacrament in St Patrick’s Cathedral. It is significant then that this book is subtitled “an aid to Christian unity” — such…